Feminism, art and ethics
in neo-liberal times
Latest Care Exhibition
Opening Thursday 8 July at 430 pm at ACU Gallery Melbourne, 36 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Pie Rankine and Cathy Parry until 22 July.

About the Care Project

The Care Project is a multifaceted research initiative that through creative practices explores how care in its many forms offers an alternative ethics to neo-liberalism.
It brings together those who care about care, offering a chance to connect, exchange ideas and practices, and support each other through the power of collectivising. We engage with diverse perspectives, from animal and environmental ethics, alternative economic models, death literacy advocacy, progressive pedagogies, parenting and mothering, deep listening, mental health, disability, craftivism, and many more.
The Care Project generates new perspectives through exhibitions, roundtables, symposia and publications.

The Care Project extends the activities of the research group Contemporary Art and Feminism (CAF) founded at the University of Sydney by Jacqueline Millner, Catriona Moore and Jo Holder.
The Care Project is hosted by La Trobe University and led by Assoc. Prof of Visual Arts Jacqueline Millner, and has been assisted by Research Assistants Dr Barbara Campbell and Dr Caroline Phillips.